Background image of a Minecraft world.

The open-sourceMinecraft world converter

Up to date, completely free.
Download v1.6.0
Or build it yourself from our
source code - available on GitHub.
Screenshot of the Chunker application.
3d minecraft model of a computer monitor displaying Chunker

Simple, easy world conversion

Convert a world in just 30 seconds. Select your world, choose your settings, convert.

Export your settings for even faster conversions!

3d minecraft model of a computer monitor displaying Chunker

Powerful command line interface

Easily integrate Chunker into your workflow by utilizing ChunkerCLI.

Read the ChunkerCLI documentation on our GitHub.

3d minecraft model of a computer monitor displaying Chunker

Open source

Thanks to Mojang Studios, Chunker is fully open-source.

All of our code is available to browse on GitHub. Browse the code, fix issues, and add new features! The world is your oyster.